Results :trophy:

Laura, Mike, Jony:

Simon, David:

Yannick, Dan:


Regula, Valentin:

Aytac, Orell:


In this module we will explore different applications of ML/AI/DL with a particular focus on design and art. We will first learn how neural networks work with simple code examples, then we will experiment with different techniques of Deep Learning:

Once we get a good grasp of the different techniques, we will experiment further by building our own ‘AI’ project. :space_invader:

Before starting


1. Wekinator

Wekinator is a software allowing anyone to use machine learning to build new musical instruments, gestural game controllers, computer vision and so on. Wekinator is using OSC protocol and can be used with pretty much any type of programing language. We will use it with Processing.

2. ML5.js

ML5.js is a simple JavaScript ML library for the web based on tensorflow.js.

3. Synaptic.js :new:

The JavaScript architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser

4. Brain.js

Neural networks in JavaScript, simple and playful.

5. Tensorflow.js

A JavaScript library with a more advanced set of options, also for the web.

6. Magenta.js

Magenta.js is a collection of TypeScript libraries for doing inference with pre-trained Magenta models. All libraries are published as npm packages.

7. Keras

Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation


A collection of real-time interactive applications and associated scripts for working with machine learning. ML4A-OFX is running on OpenFrameworks.

9. OFX MSATensorflow

OpenFrameworks addon for Google’s graph based machine intelligence / deep learning library TensorFlow.


Week 01

Week 02

Week 03

Week 04 (self study)

Week 05

Week 06

Week 07

Week 08


Week Slides Content
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02 Slides Content
03 Slides Content
05 Slides Content
06 Slides Content
07 Slides Content