
This week we will look at some interesting usage of Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets or CNN) and will start learning about Reccurrent Neural Networks (RNN) in their different forms.


Weekly task

Run and discuss the notebooks in ba_218_comppx_h1801/samples/notebooks. We will do that part in class most likely.

├── week04-05-image-search.ipynb
├── week04-06-image-tsne.ipynb
├── week04-07-image-path.ipynb
├── week05-01-one-hot-encoding-of-words-or-characters.ipynb
├── week05-02-using-word-embeddings.ipynb
├── week05-03-understanding-recurrent-neural-networks.ipynb
├── week05-04-advanced-usage-of-recurrent-neural-networks.ipynb
└── week05-05-text-generation-with-lstm.ipynb

Create a small experiment using a generative RNN. Some ideas:

Going further