1. Intro
About this course
Introduction to machine learning
The goal of the module is to explore different applications of ML/AI/DL with a focus on design and art.
We will first learn how neural networks work with simple code examples. From there we will experiment with different techniques of Deep Learning for Computer Vision (image classification, objects detection, pose estimation...) and Generative Deep Learning (DeepDream, style transfer, Pix2Pix / CycleGAN...).
About Me
Designer and coder. Background in code, worked mostly in design...
Peer learning
"Peer learning is an educational practice in which students interact with other students to attain educational goals."
Evaluation Criteria
- Grading Collaboration, Research, Exploration
- Deliverable Presentation + project + documentation
- Date Week 51 / 52
1.0 Students intro
1.1 AI/ML/DL
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans.
Machine Learning at its most basic is the practice of using algorithms to parse data, learn from it, and then make a determination or prediction about something in the world.
So rather than hand-coding software routines with a specific set of instructions to accomplish a particular task, the machine is “trained” using large amounts of data and algorithms that give it the ability to learn how to perform the task.
1.2 History
Analytical Engine
“ The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform… Its province is to assist us in making available what we are already acquainted with ”
Ada Lovelace (1843)
Brief history of ML
1.3 The steps of ML
1.4 Different kinds of ML
Supervised Learning
Learning to map input data to known targets (also called annotations),
given a set of examples (often annotated by humans)
Unsupervised Learning
Finding interesting transformations of the input data without the help of any targets
Reinforcement Learning
In reinforcement learning, an "agent" receives information about its environment and learns to pick actions that will maximize some reward.
1.5 What is a neural network?
1.6 What is Deep Learning
Deep learning is a specific subfield of machine learning, a new take on learning representations from data which puts an emphasis on learning successive "layers" of increasingly meaningful representations.
The 'Deep' in Deep Learning
Understanding how deep learning works in three figures
1.7 Learning steps
Step 01: Forward Propagation
Step 02: Gradient Descent
Step 03: Back Propagation
Application of DL
1.8 Why Now?
2. Maths
Essence of linear algebra
3. Machine Learning
3.1 Tasks
Image classification
Image regression
Text classification
Sound classification (text to speech)
Object Detection
Pose Detection
Image Segmentation
3.2 Models Architectures
CNN - Convolutional Neural Networks
RNN - Reccurent Neural Networks
LSTM - Long Short Term Memory
GAN - Generative Adversorial Networks
4. Examples
4.1 Personal
4.2 Others
X Degrees of Separation
The hidden paths through culture
Text 2 Image
Text 2 Image translation
- url: t2i.cvalenzuelab.com
- based on: AttnGan
- built by: @c_valenzuelab
Fast photo style
Given a content photo and a style photo, the code can transfer the style of the style photo to the content photo.
Everybody Dance Now
Simple method for "do as I do" motion transfer: given a source video of a person dancing the model can transfer that performance to a novel (amateur) target after only a few minutes of the target subject performing standard moves
photorealistic video-to-video translation. It can be used for turning semantic label maps into photo-realistic videos, synthesizing people talking from edge maps, or generating human motions from poses.
- url: https://github.com/NVIDIA/vid2vid
- project: https://tcwang0509.github.io/vid2vid/
- built by: https://github.com/NVIDIA
Voyage in Sentence Space
Imagine a sentence. “I went looking for adventure.” Imagine another one. “I never returned.” Now imagine a sentence gradient between them
- url: https://www.robinsloan.com/voyages-in-sentence-space/
- built by: Robin Sloan
Writing with the machine
...If I had to offer an extravagant analogy (and I do) I’d say it’s like writing with a deranged but very well-read parrot on your shoulder. Anytime you feel brave enough to ask for a suggestion, you press tab, and...
I should say clearly: I am absolutely 100% not talking about an editor that “writes for you,” whatever that means. The world doesn’t need any more dead-eyed robo-text.
The animating ideas here are augmentation; partnership; call and response.
The goal is not to make writing “easier”; it’s to make it harder.
The goal is not to make the resulting text “better”; it’s to make it different — weirder, with effects maybe not available by other means.
Robin Sloan
OpenAI Five
OpenAI team of five neural networks, OpenAI Five, has started to defeat amateur human teams at Dota 2.
- url: https://blog.openai.com/openai-five/
- built by: OpenAI
AI Can Help Anyone Become a Beatbox Champion
- url: https://codepen.io/naotokui/pen/NBzJMW
- built by: @naotokui
Imaginary Soundscape
Take a walk in soundscapes "imagined" by AI
- url: http://naotokui.net/projects/imaginary-soundscape/
- built by: @naotokui
A dialog between human and AI through music
- url: http://aidj.qosmo.jp
- built by: @naotokui
- blog post: Medium article
The Neural Drum Machine
Uses the "Drums RNN" model from @TensorFlow Magenta to generate drum patterns. And @deeplearnjs + Tone.
5. Integration
6. Tools
7. Ethics
8. Efficiency
- Photos unsplash.com
- Diagrams mostly Deep Learning With Python by François Chollet