Digital Creativity - Winter 2021

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★★★ This repository is published here ★★★


In this module we will explore different applications of ML/AI/DL with a particular focus on design and art. We will first learn how neural networks work with simple code examples, then we will experiment with different techniques of Deep Learning:

Once we get a good grasp of the different techniques, we will experiment further by building our own ‘AI’ project. :space_invader:


Week 01

Week 02

Week 03

Week 04

Week 05

Week 06

Week 07

Week 08

Week 09

Week 10


Evaluation criteria:


Academic integrity

(Copied from Golan Levin’s 2020 CMU class)

Use of free and open source code

Credit is perhaps the most important form of currency in the economies of commons-based peer production and open-source media arts. You are expected to cite the source of any code you use. Please note the following expectations and guidelines:

Use Libraries. In your Projects, the use of general, reusable libraries is strongly encouraged. The people who developed and contributed these components to the community worked hard, often for no pay; acknowledge them by citing their name and linking to their repository.

Be Careful. It sometimes happens that an artist places the entire source code for their sketch or artwork online, as a resource from which others can learn. The assignments professors give in new-media arts courses are often similar; you may discover the work of a student in some other class or school, who has posted code for a project which responds to a similar assignment. You should probably avoid this code. At the very least, you should be very, very careful about approaching such code for possible re-use. If it is necessary to do so, it is best to extract components that solve a specific technical problem, rather than those parts which operate to create a unique experience. Your challenge, if and/or when you work with others’ code, is to make it your own. It should be clear that forking an artwork from someone’s page on GitHub, Glitch, OpenProcessing, etc., and simply changing the colors would be disgracefully lazy. Doing so without proper citation would be plagiarism.

Informal colaborations

Our course places a very high value on civic responsibility that includes, but is not limited to, helping others learn. In this course, we strongly encourage you to give help (or ask others for help) in using various toolkits, algorithms, libraries, or other facilities. Please note the following expectations:

Formal colaborations

The assignments in this course are primarily intended to be executed by individuals. That said, I am in favor of students collaborating if such collaborations arise organically and can be conducted safely. Please note the following expectations: